You have a course, but...

There are a lot of ways to finish that sentence

If any of those ring a bell (or any other reason you can come up with), you're in the right place.

At CMLD, I focus on where you are and the type of support you're looking for. Pick your poison...

You wanna figure it out yourself 

I'm that way, too. That's why I created the Course Fixer Checklist. It's a simplified version of my course audit that you can work through on your own and it's FREE!

Get a copy!

You can also check out my FREE stuffs page with links to my YouTube channel, blog, podcast playlist. 

Image of check mark to indicate fixing online course elements.

You want me to tell you what to fix...

Then you want a course audit. This is where I go through and take a look at what you have, give you an assessment based on my experience as a learning designer, and I give you a report with my findings and a list of recommendations. Not sure if you need an audit? I've got a Quiz for that! 

You want a mix of tellin' and fixin'...

Then you want the Course Fixer Package. This is my DWFY (Done With and For You) package that is a true partnership for getting your course to be the best it can. You get the audit, a course map, and any updates that I'm able to do for you.

Check out the Course Fixer Package!

Image of thought bubble that says "DWFY [Pronounced Dwiffy]