Small Business Services

If you know you want to create a high quality course that your learner can be successful in, but all you see around you is courses that are content dumps, training that doesn't create change, and it just doesn't seem to work, then you're in the right place. 

Our services are for the small business owners who:

What are your options?

I want support every step of the way.

If you're just starting out, then you want Course Partner. 

Course Partner is Done With You through various stages process from ideation to prepping for the next iteration. If you're looking for accessibility services, Course Partner is the place to be.

It's for you if you want bespoke 1:1 services that helps the exact way YOU need.

Sound like you? Check out Course Partner for the details.

I want support as I work through the process.

Then you want Course Maker. 

Course Maker is a pick your path program that let's you select the areas to work on from end-to-end. 

It's for you if you want do largely do it yourself but not by yourself. 

I want a bit of both.

Then let's explore a consultation.

A consultation might be for you, if: 

Schedule a consultation!

I just want you to do it for me.

My Done-For-You services focus on making your course accessible. Access = learner success = more sales.

My Course Access packages provides come in two flavors, and are best for folks who have everything done already.

Sound like you? Check out Course Access for the details.