Course Accessibility Audit: Unlocking Success

Accessibility isn't a buzzword. 

It's a necessity for client success because it insures the people you want to help get what they need.

You know you want your clients to succeed. 

It's why you do you what you do. 

Their success equals your success; both in fulfilling your purpose and in the bank.

Creating Accessible Courses Should be Accessible

What you get

The Accessibility Audit is a comprehensive report on the accessibility of your course across a few categories: 

The report includes what is accessible, what isn't accessible, and recommendations for moving forward, which include the critical steps and the do it when you can steps. <--this bit is how we take accessibility step by step, making it accessible for you.

How you get it

The process looks like this: 

Buying Options

Pricing is based on course length:

Still not sure? Book a 15 chat to see if it's a good fit.