Teaching Online Workshops

with Drs. Shelley Rodrigo and Catrina Mitchum

We're excited and prepared to help. 

Who are we? 

We are the authors of Teaching Literacy Online: Engaging, Analyzing, and Producing in Multiple Media, the 2025 winner of the Divergent Publication Award for Excellence in Literacy in Digital Age Research, and have 41 years of experience designing and delivering online literacy and writing courses. We have publications in various journals and edited collections, and have served as Director of Online Writing Instruction at an R1 institution. 

We have extensive experience supporting instructors teaching online through various types of professional development programs, and we both earned Quality Matters Master Reviewer Certifications.

More importantly, we love this work. Teaching and learning online is our favorite and we look forward to sharing our experience and excitement with others. 

What are these Workshops all About?

The difference between the full day and half day workshops is the amount of course that you can plan in that time. 

For both versions, all attendees will receive a copy of TLO.

We'll design/focus the workshop for the instructors you anticipate attending. That means if you have an entire workshop full of first year writing instructors, we'll focus on FYW. If you have a mix of disciplines, we'll focus on Writing Across and In the Disciplines.

We're also offering Extended Professional Development, if you'd rather have ongoing support for you or your faculty.

What to expect

Full Day Workshop

This 5 hour Interactive Workshop Covers:

You can expect attendees to walk away with 1/3 of their course planned and a roadmap for creating the rest of their course. Attendees will also leave with a copy of Teaching Literacy Online.

Half Day Workshop

This 2.5 hour Interactive Workshop Covers:

You can expect attendees to walk away with 1/8 of their course planned, to include a Getting Started Module, and a road map for creating the rest of their course. Attendees will also leave with a copy of Teaching Literacy Online.