5 Weeks to Video Savvy: 

Mastering the Basics for Beginners

5-Week Video Creator

Overwhelmed with the thought of video? Need some easy to follow steps that are more guidance and less hard and fast rules? 

This is the place for you!


This course is designed to help you start from your goals to determine what purpose video serves for you. From this purpose, you'll be guided through developing your own planning process, with support, so that video creation can become easy, without building yourself a studio or breaking the bank! 


You can create quality with what you have available to you. 

Quality video that focuses on audience and purpose leads to quality marketing, quality courses, quality content, and more business. 


This five week course covers how-to plan for and record your multipurpose videos including:

This course is specifically designed for early stage professionals who know they need to or know they want to create videos but the thought scares the crap out of them. 

The course modules focus on strategic planning and building your own process to help you feel more comfortable with video creation so you can reach your goals with video.

5-Week Video Editor

Don't know where to start or what to use to edit your video? Need some tech handholding? 

This is the place for you!


This course is designed to help you edit videos you've recorded. This might be a bunch of clips, breaking up a longer video, adding visual interest to a video, or simply captioning. Specifically, you'll be able to bring whatever editing tools you have access to, or be guided to find one that fits your needs.


Video editing is time consuming, but it doesn't have to be painful. 


This five module course covers video editing including:

This course is specifically designed for early stage professionals who have video they need to edit and want a jump start in basic video editing. 

The course modules focus on identifying why you want to edit and what needs to be edited as well as how-to edit video clips and audio. The course does not cover adjusting lighting in poorly lit video or other advanced techniques.