Quality Meets Quirk:

Create Courses with Flair and Impact

If you want your learners to succeed, learner experience in a course or training matters. Quality learning experiences are built backwards from goals and provide not just content - but opportunity. 🌠

Your ability to provide opportunity to your client or employee creates a space for growth for both you, the learner, and your business. 📈

Already purchased a build your own course course? 💸

Not this one. 🎯

This one was designed by an adult learning expert with 15 years of experience. Learning is my business. Not marketing, not sales, learning. 💡

So if you're looking for guidance on building a course that will help you help your clients be successful, then this is the one for you.

The learning design course is a 5-week course that guides you through designing and building your course. 

The course will cover: 

More importantly, it will provide you with space and opportunity to hone in on what your learners need and design a course that leads them to success.

The best part? We make it fun and easy in there. No hour long videos, no "thou shalt do," just information, guidance, and support. With a dash of humor. 

Want the opportunity to beta test the course for half the price?

Reach out!