Over the last 15 years, I've designed  14 university level online writing courses and maintained the written and video content that served 4,300 students a year. I also conducted 10 webinars and workshops, designed 8 faculty training eLearning courses, various professional development activities, 3 mini-courses, and countless hours of consulting in learning and development.

I understand adult learning in various contexts. 

This portfolio contains samples that fall into 4 basic categories for Learning Design. Each sample description provides the context, the materials given to me, and my approach. The video walkthroughs give an overview of my choices during the process. 

Regardless of the deliverable, analyzing the situation from multiple stakeholder perspectives, designing and testing the solution, and developing and evaluating an iterative design is the driving strategy behind all of my work.

Instructor Led

In-person courses with a face-to-face instructor.

Virtual Instructor Led

Online courses that are synchronous, asynchronous live, or asynchronous self-paced but with an instructor.


Online courses that are focused primarily on content delivery and engagement without an instructor.

MicroLearning (Coming Soon!)

Online, bite sized content delivery courses.